
Join Jay Kemmerer’s fast-growing, worldwide community of everyday individuals (like yourself) that are tapping into the key financial knowledge that Jay shares in each of his books!

Check Out the Current Community!

Jay & Jennifer  |  S. West Florida

Josh  |  Ledgerock CC, Mohnton, PA

Aida and Bob  |  Naples, Florida

Gerry  |  South Carolina

Will  |  Pinchers, S. West Florida

Jon  |  Minnesota

Jay & Chip  |  Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Marvin  |  Jamaica

Deb & Dad  |  Dewey Beach, DE

Bob  |  Buckingham Palace, UK

Jay & Concierge  |  Jamaica

Anonymous  |  Nashville, US

Alyssa & Jay |  Florida

Erik  |  Florida

Mark  |  Reading, PA

Jay | Venice, Italy

Jay | Pienza, Italy

Don't have the books yet?

Become a part of the fast-growing community that takes their financial education serious and wants to learn more! Both of Jay’s books, “Messages From the Money Masters,” and “33 Ways to Not Screw Up Your Financial Life,” provide a lot of education, experiences, and resources to help you have a better understanding of where you are financially! Click the link to unlock the power of financial knowledge!